ASPIRE Rehab RX Junior

ASPIRE Rehab RX Junior


Size: 320-370mm Wide

320-370mm Wide

Colour: Silver


Introducing the Rehab RX Junior, a mobility aid expertly designed by Move Mobility to provide optimal postural support and pressure care for children. With its easy repositioning and advanced adjustability, this device ensures comfort, skin integrity, and head control. The highly adjustable features, including seat sizing, armrests, and headrest, cater to individual needs. The contoured backrest and seat cushion promote midline positioning, while the breathable support surfaces enhance pressure redistribution and skin microclimate. The advanced articulating leg rests mimic natural knee movement, ensuring maximum support and skin contact. Rest assured, the Rehab RX Junior is crash tested for your peace of mind.
Width: 320 - 370 mm
Steel (Material)
320 - 370 mm (Seat Depth)

Move Mobility - Keeping Australia Moving


Product: Aspire Rehab RX Junior Wheelchair
Brand: Aspire
Type: Tilt-in-space manual wheelchair
Target users: Children requiring increased postural support and pressure care.

Tilt-in-space: Allows for tilting the seat back angle (up to 26°) to improve pressure distribution and positioning.
Backrest recline: Provides additional adjustability for comfort and positioning (up to 30°).
Highly adjustable:
Depth and width adjustable seat.
Adjustable armrests (height, removable).
Adjustable headrest (height, depth, angle, width).
Contoured seating system: Provides optimal positioning and support with:
Gentle lumbar build-up in the backrest.
Moderate lateral support in the backrest.
Abductor and adductor build-up in the seat cushion.
Anti-tippers: Standard feature for enhanced safety against backward tipping.
Tool-free adjustment kit simplifies adjustments for therapists.
Compatible with various aftermarket backrests and cushion options.
Additional Information:

Frame: Rigid steel for durability.
Footrest: Swing-away and removable, padded.
Upholstery: Breathable, multi-stretch PU (polyurethane) material.
Material: Information limited, likely steel frame with various components using different materials (e.g., plastic, aluminum).
Weight: Not readily available online.
Warranty: Information may vary depending on the retailer or distributor.